I'm New Here
Welcome to Holy Trinity/St. Paul's Anglican Church!

Welcome to Holy Trinity/St. Paul’s! We are more than just a beautiful historic Anglican church. We are a group of contemporary Christian people, grounded in an ancient tradition, striving to make the message of God’s love known in our world and deepen our faith.

Here at Holy Trinity/St. Paul's, we provide an inclusive safe space for all by being respectful and kind to all who enter our doors.

We gather together each Sunday to be nurtured by the scriptures, prayer, music, and the communion of bread and wine – food for our spiritual journey.


 Our Sanctuary is accessible by way of a ramp at the front door on Selkirk St.  Our Parish Hall is accessible by way of a ground level entryway off Selkirk St. 

We have four unisex bathrooms all with grab bars.  (There are no automatic access buttons on the bathroom doors currently).  Coffee hour after church is in the Parish Hall which is accessible by the ramp to the Selkirk entrance.  Church groups are held in the Parish Hall. 

For those with hearing challenges, the sanctuary has a sound system to help amplify speaking volume during the service.  

Throughout the week, we participate in a variety of ministries to strengthen and care for one another, as well as ministries to reach out and touch those in our wider community and the world. It is our hope that you will find a spiritual home here and make friends; that you will feel God’s love through Jesus Christ in our worship, fellowship and common life together.

Grace and peace be with you always.

What to Expect on Sunday Morning

See the Worship section for current details about services,

including times and locations.

Will I fit in? 

Whether you are old or young, coming as a family or on your own, like more traditional forms of worship or prefer something more modern, or even if you are totally unfamiliar with an Anglican church, you will find a place here and people who are just like you. What should I wear? Bottom line, wear what you are comfortable wearing. We gather as God’s loved people; some casual, others more dressed up. It’s not a surprise to see t-shirts, sandals, jeans and bright vibrant colours in equal numbers with dress pants and dresses. It’s your call. After all, we are thrilled that you’re joining us and want you to be more focused on the experience than on what you’re wearing. 

Is  Holy Trinity/St. Paul’s a kid-friendly church? 

We are welcoming of all kinds of families, and if yours happens to include children or grandchildren, we want them to feel at home with us, too. Our belief is this: children and youth are not future members of the church; they are present with us now, and their interests and their contributions are important to us. We also believe you and your family should choose to take part in our services and programs in a way that best supports your needs. You can go to our Ministries section for more information for children worshipping at Holy Trinity/St. Paul’s. 

Where do I get more information about Holy Trinity/St. Paul’s? 

This website is a great place to start. On a Sunday, you will find there is general information inside the Sunday service bulletin, which you are welcome to take home with you. There are newcomer introduction cards in the pews that you are encouraged to fill in, especially if you have questions or are thinking about becoming a regular worshipper. You can leave the completed form on the table at the entrance or give it to one of the greeters. Someone from the church will get in touch with you, and you can ask any questions you may have. No obligation! You can also call the church office for information.

More information can also be found in the hall on the Outreach board and Sign-up board at the back of the hall and the Calendar of Events outside the interior hall doors.  The church calendar is also available each month in the bulletin.

When are the services and what are they like? 

You can find descriptions of our Sunday services in the Worship section. During most of the year, we have two services - one at 8 am and the other at 10 a.m.  See our Worship section for more information.   In the summer, we have one service at 9:30am. We alternate between Book of Alternative Services contemporary worship (green book) and a Book of Common Prayer traditional worship (maroon), hymns are in the blue book.  Not all Sundays are alike, so the best way to get a feel for our services is to come on a Sunday … and come again on the one after that! 

Where do I park? 

The church has a parking lot off Selkirk Street at the north end of the church and another parking lot off Victoria Avenue at the south end of the church. There is street parking on Selkirk also. 

How do I get into the church? 

You can come through the big oak double doors that are basically on Selkirk Street at Victoria Avenue.  This is a fully accessible entrance.  There are greeters to welcome and direct you. You’ll enter into a foyer first and have time to get your bearings. 

How will I know what to do? 

Inside the side entrance of the church, you’ll meet our greeters who’ll give you a friendly welcome and a bulletin explaining what will happen during the service. Just sit wherever you want. There are no reserved seats. There are times during the service when people stand, sit, or kneel. The leaders of the service will invite you to do so as you are able. If you lose track, just watch what your neighbours do. It’s not necessary to kneel for the prayers; some people like to kneel, and others prefer to sit. If you have difficulty standing or are minding a baby or toddler, feel free to sit throughout the entire service.  Some people do. 

Do I have to put money in a collection plate? 

We do take a collection during the service.  The Offering plate will be at the back of the church for putting envelopes or offering.  Like everyone else, we have to pay the bills, but making a financial contribution during the service is totally voluntary.  Many regular members donate by pre-authorized payment or write a monthly cheque, so you won’t be the only one who doesn’t put something in. 

Can I take communion? What do I do? 

All Christians regardless of denomination are welcome to take communion. When it comes time for communion, people are directed row by row to the front of the church. When you receive the bread, hold your hands palm up in front of you.  The cleric will speak a small prayer and place a thin round communion wafer in your open hand. You don’t need to say anything, but a lot of us reply with a quiet, heartfelt Amen. You can then take the wafer from your hand and eat it.

During pandemic times we will only have bread for communion. In the Anglican Church, we drink real wine from a common cup which is offered to you by our Deacon, assisting the clergy.  She, too, says a few words, and you take a sip from the proffered cup. It’s okay to touch, hold, guide, or steady the cup. It’s also okay to receive only the bread (gluten free wafer is available upon request; speak to the greeter). If you would rather not consume the wine, you can pause at the cup to hear the words of communion, or you can just walk past the chalice bearer and return to your seat.

Crossing your arms in front of you or giving a slight shake of the head is a way of saying you don’t want the wine.  If you don’t want to take communion at all but would like a blessing, go up to the front with everyone else and just cross your arms over your chest the whole time.

You’re also perfectly welcome to remain in your seat during this part of the service. If you have mobility concerns and would like communion brought to you, just signal an usher or chalice bearer, and they’ll make it happen for you. 

I’m shy coming to a new place.

How do I get to know people? We make an effort to greet and welcome visitors and make them feel at ease. The goal is to make the experience agreeable to you, so we’ll follow your cues as to how your visit will go. We won’t single you out or mob you. If you want to be anonymous for a while, we respect that. If you want to get acquainted right away, we have people who will be happy to get to know you and introduce you to others. And everyone is welcome on a Sunday – shy or not, members or not — to go to the parish hall for complimentary coffee or tea and some friendly, casual conversation. You’re welcome to be a part of that and get to know us in a social setting.

What if I say or do the wrong thing while I’m at the church?

 We all do from time to time, but honestly there aren’t that many ways to slip up. You will find we each individually have our own habits or preferences or come from different traditions. Some people kneel, some stand. Some cross themselves, some don’t. Some sing along to all the parts, some prefer to listen. And even seasoned churchgoers get muddled sometimes. If you happen to get off track or go astray, don’t worry about it. No one is likely to notice. And after all, it’s church. We don’t judge!  


Worship Service
Join us this Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
or online at www.holytrinitystpauls.ca
Chatham, Ontario
81 Selkirk St
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1Y8