Electronic Giving
Joyful Giving at Home or On the Go

Here are three ways to give electronically:

1.   Join our Direct Debit Program. This is an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account or credit card, arranged through Chris Peltier, our Treasurer. I encourage you to consider this option, even as a short term measure. It is always possible to adjust your direct debit givings amount, or to withdraw from the direct debit program.  A form is available; please contact the office.

2.   E-Transfer. The wardens have set up the facility for us to donate through e-transfer using Interac. To give via e-transfer, you need to go to your bank and set up the church as a recipient. You will need to enter the email address of the church: HolyTrinity-Treasurer@outlook.com. Then follow the prompts.

3.   Website via Tithe.ly. Click button below, a safe and reliable charitable donations program that sends your donations directly to us.

Your Generousity is Changing Lives!

Your generosity is changing lives

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.
Worship Service
Join us this Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
or online at www.holytrinity.stpauls.ca
Chatham, Ontario
81 Selkirk St
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1Y8