Lenten Outreach Project 2024
Outreach is a very important part of our mission. This past season of Lent, we collected money in support of Adopt a Senior and presented them with a cheque for $2,340.85.
Hymn Sing
More details to come.
One of our many outreach programs to help and support our community is our biannual Food Drive.

This year (2024) the date for our Food Drives are:

October 5

For those who are homeless, we have a food pantry program which can be accessed by contacting the church office (519-354-1072) or by ringing the  bell at the Selkirk door.  We are always accepting donations. 

We also offer a gift card purchasing program monthly. For more information, contact the church office.

Every other Tuesday from 9-10:30 a.m., we run a Food Voucher Program for those experiencing food insecurity.  To access this program, we ask you to bring photo ID,  proof of income, and address.  One per household.  

To donate financially to these programs, make note on your offering envelope or contact the church office.

Coming Events in 2024 - 2025

April 27 & October 5, 2024 - Food Drives

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Coming Events in 2025
On Sunday, June 15, 2025, we will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of our precious building.

We are in the planning stage of how to celebrate and honour this wonderful event.  Stay tuned as our plans progress.

Worship Service
Join us this Sunday at 8 a.m. for BCP service or at 10 a.m. for BAS service
or online at holytrinity.stpauls.ca for the 10 a.m. service
Chatham, Ontario
81 Selkirk St
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1Y8